Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently engaged with the nation through the widely popular 'Mann Ki Baat' program, where he had an enlightening conversation with Drone Didi. During this interaction, PM Modi highlighted the significant discussions surrounding the Namo Didi drone across the country, emphasizing the remarkable role of women across various domains. Ahead of International Women's Day on March 8th, PM Modi underscored the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the invaluable contributions of women towards the nation's development, quoting the renowned poet Bharatiyar's belief that the prosperity of the world hinges on providing equal opportunities to women. This episode marked the 110th edition of 'Mann Ki Baat,' where PM Modi also announced a temporary halt to the program for the next three months due to the impending Lok Sabha elections in March, necessitating compliance with the election code of conduct. In his address, PM Modi lauded the