Are you looking for new ways to raise funds for your non-profit organization? Have you done bottle drives in the past but new restrictions have made them less fruitful? If so, we’re here to help! Check out these tips below for collecting recyclable drink containers for your bottle drive: Connect with your Local Bottle Depot The team at your local bottle depot is experienced in helping organizations to plan their bottle drives, and in how to take it online when necessary. We will help plan and schedule your drive and share info on container & return types. We provide pick-up services in a central area or tips to drive people to your online bottle drive. You can run your bottle drive as one big push in a single day or set a deadline to build up to. Map Your Success There are different ways to collect recyclables for your bottle drive. If collecting door to door, you can map out your route and designate them to teams ahead of time. Or you can ask pe